“Rules are meant to be broken”
The Outlaw archetype is an inherently disruptive force that taps into our deep desire for nonconformity, to the point of rebellion. It breaks rules, opposes mainstream culture, and develops radical ideas, services, and products to challenge the world as we know it. Brands that align to the Outlaw archetype are action-oriented, preferring to overturn what’s established rather than simply talking about it. The Outlaw aims to make others equally uncomfortable with the status quo to evoke true change.
The Outlaw archetype is motivated by a desire for revolution and social change, serving as a harbinger of new perspectives, updated outlooks, and cultural awakenings. It does not support or conform to structures or modes of thinking that simply do not work, even if society does. Instead, the Outlaw seeks to overturn what’s established to create a more cooperative, accepting, and free society.
Like the Creator archetype, the Outlaw is inherently nonconformist. However, the Outlaw is usually more aggressive in thought and action. It seeks radical changes to existing systems and can resort to shock and recklessness to get its point across. If left unchecked, the Outlaw may stumble into being fueled by its rage, lose its sense of boundaries, and resort to lawlessness.
Core Principles
Pillar: Leave Legacy
Drive: Liberation, Change, Righteousness, Retribution, Independence
Fear: Servitude, Conformity, Complacency, Acceptance, Dependence – Being Inconsequential
Strategy: Denounce status quo, Disrupt + shock
Goal: To destroy what’s not working
Voice: Disruptive, Rebellious, Combative, Raw – Don’t settle for status quo. Demand more, then get it.
What customers FEEL: Stimulated, Thrilled, Uncommon
Audience: Non-conformist, Rulebreakers, Rebellious, Edge of Society
Radical Freedom
Taking fun too far
Becoming the Shadow
Being Fueled by Hate or Anger
Fundamental: Outlaw: The Outlaw archetype is a rule-breaker and a risk-taker. It is fed up with convention and pushes to bring about social change, a fresh perspective, or a reawakening. The Outlaw archetype houses different aspects that emerge based on various strengths and expressions, all underpinned by the main characteristics of the fundamental.
01 Activist
The Activist aspect fights for a cause, wanting to radically transform some economic, political, or social structure. It is outgoing, ingenious, persuasive, and motivating as it criticizes old paradigms. As tirelessly as this aspect fights, it should be sure to avoid opposition solely for opposition's sake.
02 Gambler
The Gambler aspect thrives on the thrill of risk and its willingness to bet anything from money to reputation. It is astute, charming, and socially adept, although it may find itself prone to superstitious beliefs to avoid actual work. The Gambler must not allow its love of risk to devolve into compulsion and addiction or into a false sense of power or dominion over how much it can actually control.
03 Maverick
The Maverick aspect rejects any sort of label, box, or any other constraint — possibly even the term “maverick.” It doesn’t play by society’s rules, instead favoring to generate, abide, and punish itself by its own. The Maverick, while a powerhouse, should avoid rebelliousness with no intended outcome or unchecked hostility and aggression.
04 Reformer
The quest of the Reformer aspect is to affect change, typically a bit more understated and calculated than other aspects. It aims to improve existing systems gradually, rather than destroy them completely. Though the Reformer’s strengths lie in its long-term and balanced perspective, it should check itself for self-righteousness, repression, or narrow-mindedness in its pursuits.
Oftentimes, Outlaw consumers are those who have pushed beyond the Explorer archetype. They may feel like castoffs from the dominant culture and, if pushed far enough, their alienation can be a trigger that leads to rage. They have a deep-seated desire for freedom, but may not be total anarchists. Sometimes, they simply feel a need to let off steam every now and then. To connect with Outlaw consumers, you’ll have to prove you’re one of them, showing a genuine disdain for the status quo and conformity while empowering and facilitating revolution. Brands with a higher revolutionary focus usually avoid mainstream media and outlets due to the potential to offend and will need to reach consumers through targeted special interest groups and wherever else they may reside.